Jacob Mai Peng

Hi! I'm Jacob, an M. Sc. student in compilers for machine learning at McGill University. I'm expecting to graduate in May 2023 and I'm seeking full time opportunities.

I am a member of the Compilers and Accelerator Synthesis Lab under the supervision of Professor Christophe Dubach. My research interests broadly include program transformations, static analysis, and automatic differentiation, and I've been using MLIR to do all of those things.

In addition to my research, I'm a lifelong musician. You can also find me rock climbing, weightlifting, cooking, or doing yoga.


LAGrad: Statically Optimized Differentiable Programming in MLIR

Mai Jacob Peng & Christophe Dubach

ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Compiler Construction (CC '23)



I'm working on making the first hackable AutoDiff engine by extending Enzyme to MLIR. Our goal is to make it ergonomic for non-AD experts to extend the core AD engine to differentiate arbitrary dialects.


I led a team of students and alumni volunteers to build an accessible, online database of mental health resources in the Greater Toronto Area.

As part of this, I wrote a beginner's guide to JavaScript to quickly ramp-up student developers without prior web development experience.

#React #TypeScript #Express #PostgreSQL


Hackable Autodiff: Extending Enzyme to MLIR for Reverse Mode Gradients

February 23rd, 2023

Co-presented with Martin Eppert

Enzyme Conference, Boulder, Colorado

LAGrad: Leveraging the MLIR Ecosystem for Efficient Differentiable Programming

November 15th, 2022

19th Workshop on Compiler-Driven Performance, Toronto, Ontario

LAGrad: Leveraging the MLIR Ecosystem for Efficient Differentiable Programming

November 8th, 2022

US LLVM Developers' Meeting, San Jose, California